Factors To Consider When Choosing Clay Roofing Tiles

Clay roofing tiles are some of the best roofing materials available. However, many homeowners default to better-known materials, like asphalt shingles, for their roofs. Below are factors to consider when choosing clay roofing tiles.


Manufacturing defects and mishandling can introduce flaws in clay tiles. Watch out for defects that might interfere with the tiles' durability or aesthetic appeal. For example, you should avoid chipped tiles—especially if you can see the chips with the naked eye. The chipped pieces might be more susceptible to weather damage than the sound pieces.


Clay tiles are available in three grades depending on their weather resistance. Grade 1 provides the best resistance to weather damage, while Grade 3 provides the least resistance. Your neighborhood's climate determents the best tile grade for your home. For example, get Grade 1 tiles if your area experiences freezing temperatures every summer.


Clay tile profile refers to the individual shape of each tile piece. Examples include flat and curved tile profiles. Tile profiles are mostly aesthetic considerations. For example, some people prefer tiles that stand out and are easily noticeable. Others prefer more laid-back profiles. Ask your roofing contractor for digital mockups of different roofing profiles to help you choose.


Like other roofing materials, clay tiles are also available in different colors. The colors determine the roof's aesthesis as well as its energy efficiency. For example, dark-colored tiles absorb more heat than light-colored ones. However, clay tiles are generally energy efficient, and the energy efficiency differences between different colored times are not that extreme.


There should be little variations in the tiles for each roof. All the tiles should have the same color shades, size, thickness, texture, and weight. For example, if you want a blue roof, all the tiles should have the same shade of blue. Otherwise, your roof will show patches of discoloration or faded areas that mar your house's aesthetic appeal.


Roof installation or replacement is a significant investment, so you cannot ignore budget considerations. Roofing costs generally depend on material and labor charges. For clay tiles, the material cost depends on the tile grade, profile, and manufacturer, among other factors. The local market dynamics (such as supply and demand) also matter.

Each roofing material has its pros and cons. Clay tiles are durable, energy efficient, and low maintenance. Talk to a roofing contractor in your area to learn more about clay tiles.
