3 Reasons To Hire A Certified GAF Contractor To Install A New Roof

If you've never hired a roofing contractor before, then you might not know which company to use to install a new roof. This is a significant job, and you need a contractor with the right skills and experience to build an attractive roof that lasts.

To make things easier, look for contractors with a GAF certification. They have built a network of approved contractors around the country, so there should be several in your area.

What are the benefits of using a certified contractor to install your new roof?

1. Work With a Reputable Contractor

Homeowners sometimes find it hard to find a reputable roofing contractor. If you hire a contractor with GAF certification, then you get immediate peace of mind. You know that the contractor has had to meet certain criteria to become part of the approved network.

For example, the contractor will have passed licensing and insurance checks. They have proved that they have a strong roofing track record and an excellent reputation. They will have had extra training in how to install GAF roofs and their associated products; they also have to commit to continued training in the future.

These checks tell you that a contractor takes their profession seriously. They are experienced and well-rated.

2. Get More Robust Warranty Guarantees

All roofing companies should give you warranties after installing your new roof. For example, the materials they use should have a warranty, and the contractor should guarantee their work.

However, these warranties might not be as useful as you think in the future. For example, if your roofer closes down their business to retire a few years after installing your roof, then you might not be able to track them down if you find a problem with their work. You might have to pay to fix the problem.

If you use a contractor with GAF certification, then you get more surety. If you use GAF materials and accessories to build your new roof, then GAF will give you warranty guarantees which cover materials, labor, and workmanship.

Even if you can't track down your original contractor, you will get help from the manufacturer. They can cover a warranty gap.

3. Get a Free Roof Inspection

If you use GAF materials and an approved contractor, then you might be eligible for a free manufacturer roof inspection after your installation. The company will send an inspector to check that your roof was correctly installed and doesn't have any problems. You get extra peace of mind.

To find out more, contact contractors with GAF roofing installation certification.
