Four Misconceptions Homeowners Have On Roofing Issues
The roof is one of the most important and expensive parts of your house. Therefore, you should not rely on misconceptions for your roof-maintenance issues. Here are some of the specific misconceptions you should watch out for:
DIY Can Solve Most Roofing Problems
DIY roofing can help you reign in your roofing maintenance costs, but the number of roofing projects you can safely execute as a nonprofessional is severely limited. As a novice, you probably don't know how to cut shingles safely, how to nail shingles or how to install flashing. If you get it wrong, you not only risk damaging your roof and paying for more expensive repairs, but you also risk voiding your warranty. Even if you do have some roofing skills, working on the roof is an inherently dangerous thing. In most cases, it's advisable to stick to roofing projects you can handle from the ground or from a ladder, especially if your roof is pitched.
Roof Warranties Mean No Roofing Worries
Roofing warranty comes in two basic forms; manufacturer's and constructor's warranty. The manufacturer warranty covers defective material concerns while the constructor's warranty covers damages arising out of the construction process. However, having a warranty doesn't mean you no longer have to worry about your roof; after all, the warranty doesn't cover everything. For example, most warranties don't cover ponding water damage, moisture problems, and problems caused by poor maintenance. The last one is especially important since it means you have to take your roofing maintenance seriously if you expect any help from your warranty.
Replacing a Roof Takes Time
If you have a damaged roof you need to replace, you are probably thinking that it will take endless days to finish the job. This is a common concern for many people, especially those who are busy and can't imagine being available for that long. Fortunately, replacing a roof can take as short as one day; it may take a couple or more days if the roof is complicated and the weather is terrible. Besides, you don't need to be there fulltime; just ensure the contractors have access to your roof and everything they need and they are good to go.
Metal Roofs Attract Lighting
Some people think that because metal is an electrical conductor, and a lightning strike is basically a high voltage discharge, their metal roofs will attract lightning strikes. Fortunately, metal roofs, in fact, no roofing material, will attract lightning. Lighting usually strikes the highest point in a house irrespective of the material that is there. In fact, it is better if the material happens to be metal because it will disperse the electrical charges better than other materials and probably save you from the lightning fire.
Contact a company, like Kerry Roofing & Masonry, for more help.